How do I update my account and email settings?

You can update your account and email setting via the "Settings" page, which you can find by click the menu button on the top left hand side of your screen (see screenshot below).

In your setting, you can update the following:

  • Language settings
  • Data sharing preferences
  • Your email address and password

In your "Email Notifications" page, you can update:

  • Email contact preferences
Note: As part of your preferences, you can opt out of emails from us, but it is not currently possible to opt out from on-site pop-ups.

How do I change my email address?

To change your email address, you will have to access your Settings page and scroll down to "Change my email address" section. 
  1. Click on your profile image at the top right of the screen
  2. Select the "Setting" from the drop-down
  3. Scroll down on "Change my email address" 
  4. Enter your new email address, and then retype it.
  5. Click "Save changes"

We will ask you to type twice your new email address. Once you "Save changes", we will send you a verification email, so you can use all features available in HealthUnlocked.
To find your Settings page, please click on your profile picture on the top right corner of any HealthUnlocked page and select "Settings".
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