Why was replying turned off?

HealthUnlocked is a great place to meet others with similar health issues and share different experiences. The communities have posts that provide valuable information and support for both current and new members. Often the real value of a post is found in replies to the post, where a question is answered or an experience is elaborated upon.

Admins have the right to turn post replies off. They occasionally do this if they feel it's the most appropriate course of action. Here are a few reasons why an admin might do that:
  • The post is for information only
  • To stop conflict in the replies section
  • To prevent new replies on a post that is outdated
  • To stop trolling or spamming in the replies section
  • To prevent new replies on posts by deceased members

If an admin chooses to turn off replying to a post the author of the post is notified of the change through email, except in the case where the author of the post is deceased. 
To avoid causing confusion, once replies have been turned off neither the post or the replies can be edited, though they can be deleted. 
In some situations the action is temporary, meaning the admins will turn replying back on after some time.
To get more information about why replying was turned off on a particular post, please contact the community admins.
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