Who can see my posts?

HealthUnlocked is designed to be an anonymous online public platform, where people can share their health experiences safely. It is an open site, which means that posts are searchable by internet search engines (Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing etc.) and in HealthUnlocked searches.

This helps more people find the valuable support and knowledge available on HealthUnlocked and helps communities to grow and thrive. 

For your own safety, you should not disclose any identifiable information such as:

  • Your full name
  • Email address
  • Home address
  • Telephone number
  • Any other information which could directly or indirectly identify you on any online platform.

When Discussing Sensitive Topics

For more sensitive topics which may be triggering for others to read, we request you make use of the “who can see my posts” feature and select the “Only followers of my community” option.

This is to protect visitors to the platform from reading content and not knowing how to access support. See this helpful article to learn more about this feature.

The default setting of posts allows them to be visible to “Anyone”, including individuals who are not yet members of the community. This is the option that makes your posts searchable on internet search engines and HealthUnlocked. 

What does "Only followers of my community” mean?

The "Only followers of my community" option will only show the post title and the first few lines of text to those who are not members of the community. The author’s username and all replies will be hidden and the post will not appear on Internet searches and HealthUnlocked searches. By doing this will limit the number of people who will find and benefit from the information you have shared, to the number of members of your community (check the number just below the title of your HU community). 

We suggest members use the default option "Anyone" to ensure more people find communities and benefit from the wealth of information on HealthUnlocked. We advise using the “only members of my community” option when a post contains potentially triggering topics (self-harm, abuse etc).

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