How does HealthUnlocked deal with technical issues?
This is how we deal with technical issues (and how you can help speed up the process!):
When a member reports a technical issue, it gets sent directly to our Help Centre. The message is then passed on to our Quality Assurance team, who will spend time attempting to reproduce the issue with the information provided by the member.
If you experience an issue while using the platform, the articles in the Help Centre is the best place to find the answers.
In the event of a (rare) case where our Help Centre doesn't resolve your issue, please use the "Contact Us" button with your answers to the following questions:
1) What you are doing when you experience the error?
2) What device are you using? (eg: tablet, iPhone, windows computer etc)
3) What web browser are you using to view HealthUnlocked? (eg: safari, firefox, google chrome etc)
4) Are you using the HealthUnlocked app? (If so, please delete it and log in through a web browser)
5) Is this issue consistent or intermittent?
6) If you are seeing any error messages on a banner, what do they say?
When sending us a message, it really helps us if you include as many details about the error as possible, so that there are no misunderstandings about what is happening and we can solve your issue as quickly as possible. If you are able, please also send us a screenshot! Having a visual understanding of your situation is really helpful for our Quality Assurance team.