What is the follow feature?

When you follow someone on HealthUnlocked you get updates when that person writes new posts (in communities you are also a member of). 

  • To follow another member simply visit their profile and click the "+ Follow" button. 
  • If you want to stop following someone, just go back to that profile and click on 'Following' 

Why has someone followed me?

Read on https://support.healthunlocked.com/article/130-why-has-someone-followed-me

Who am I following?

To see the people you are following and who is following you, head over to your profile. You will see the lists of members you follow and members following you. 


  • If your follower is not a member of your community, they will not be notified of your post. 
  • If you do not want others to be able to follow you on HealthUnlocked, you can visit your account settings and untick the "Allow other members to follow me" box. Please note that you will permanently lose all of your followers by selecting this option. 

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