Why has someone followed me?

On HealthUnlocked, members have the ability to “follow” other members. Following someone means that you will receive a notification when that person writes a new post.

Reasons why someone may follow you:

Someone may choose to follow you if they enjoy the content you share, or you share similarities in your profiles. For example, you may have both added a similar health interest, or you are part of the same community.

If someone has followed you and something doesn’t seem right, you can report their profile to flag them to the HealthUnlocked Support team:

  1. Click on their username 
  2. Select “Report” on the right-hand side of their profile
  3. Fill in the details on the pop-up and send (N.b. remember to add why you are reporting them so our team can investigate effectively)

If you don’t want anyone to be able to follow your account, you can turn off the ability to follow you in your profile settings: 

  1. Go to your Settings page
  2. Untick the option “Allow other members to follow me” under the ‘Privacy’ section
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