Why have I seen a pop-up on my community?

What are pop-ups on HealthUnlocked?
Occasionally you may see pop-ups on HealthUnlocked. Types of pop-ups include:
  • Signposting new relevant communities
  • Feedback about the site
  • Surveys for research purposes
  • Health campaigns
  • Clinical trial recruitment
Pop-ups can easily be closed if they are not of interest.

Who makes these pop-ups?

HealthUnlocked makes and manages all pop-ups. Some pop-ups are in paid partnership with industry-leading experts, such as:

  • Patient Organizations (e.g. non-profit health organizations, patient groups)
  • Doctors and other Healthcare Professionals (e.g. doctors, nurses)
  • Institutions and Industry (e.g. academic institutions, pharmaceutical companies)

Why do we partner with organizations in this way?

Each year in the HealthUnlocked user survey our members tell us that being made aware of clinical trials and taking part in market research are things that they are interested in seeing on HealthUnlocked. 
We partner with industry leaders to support their research, while simultaneously making our members aware of useful and relevant information and research opportunities to those who may be interested. 
These paid partnerships allow HealthUnlocked to keep the communities free to our members, and free to our non-profit partners (charities and patient advocacy groups). For this reason, HealthUnlocked reserves this exclusive right and does not revenue share. 
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