How do I join or leave a community?

To join a community:

You need to join a community to be able to write a post or ask a question. Go to the home page of the community you want to follow and click " + Join" located under the name of the community

By joining, you now have access to all the posts written in the community, including posts that are 'community only'. (To learn more about different kinds of posts on HealthUnlocked Click Here)

When you join a community, we automatically subscribe you to the following emails to ensure you don’t miss out on conversations and forming connections with other members:

  • A daily digest which is a daily email that contains a quick overview of all the recent activity in your communities
  • Email me when someone writes a post or question I might be able to answer, within my communities
  • Email me when someone (an admin, or member of HealthUnlocked staff) creates a poll in my communities

To change your subscription to any of these emails, you can update your email settings and preferences here.

To leave a community: 

  1. Go to the home page of the community you want to unfollow and click " X Leave"
  2. A message will pop up asking if you want to leave the community, click " Leave Community

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