I think my account has been restricted or banned
All members of HealthUnlocked are expected to abide by our Community Guidelines.
HealthUnlocked do not allow behaviour that is in conflict with our aim of a positive, friendly and supportive atmosphere. Rudeness, bullying and spamming others (including promoting businesses or commercial endeavours) are not tolerated.
Some communities may also have their own specific rules, as set out by the community administrators. To contact community administrators, please see this article.
If you have violated our Community Guidelines or any community-specific rules, you may be restricted or banned from HealthUnlocked in order to protect the privacy and safety of our members.
HealthUnlocked does not intervene with how administrators manage their community. If you have been restricted in a community, please get in touch with the administrators of that community to get more information.
Members who have been banned should know that we are unable to reinstate banned accounts.