How do I create or edit a badge?
You can award badges to members of your community who have achieved certain milestones or who offer an elevated level of support to your community. These include:
Administrator: this identifies the administrators of a particular community
Charity Badge Name: this identifies the community members who are linked to the particular patient support group or charity
Volunteer: this identifies those individuals who have been selected by administrators to help manage the community
Milestone badges: these can include community-specific badges such as "Quit smoking" or those who have completed a particular challenge
You can create badges by following the steps below:
1. Click on the "Admin" button on the righthand side of your community homepage
2. You will now be in the community settings menu, select the "Badges" button on the lefthand side
3. You will now see the badges window where you can add, delete and edit badges
4. When creating a new badge you will be asked to include a title, as well as brief description outlining why it has been created. This will be visible when a user hovers over the badge