How to set up a Community Campaign

How to set up a Community Campaign

How do I create a campaign?

Partner badge holders can create campaigns using the ‘Campaigns’ tab in the admin section. Click on ‘create campaign’ and fill all the required fields in each section. You can create up to three campaigns at one time.


  • Add a campaign name to appear on the reporting screen inside the admin section. You can add anything that is easy for you to remember. This will not be visible on the community when the campaign is published.
  • If desired, you can set an end date for the campaign to be automatically switched off
  • Finally, set your level of priority


  • Review targeting options to ensure your campaign will be reaching the most relevant audience.


  • Fill in the campaign content: title, body, url and call to action and image using the image uploader. The character limits are set to ensure the campaign will be easy to read and fit well on mobile devices. You can find a preview of the campaign on the right hand side of the page.

Once you are happy, click the ‘Start campaign’ button, found at the bottom or top of the page.

NOTE: Your campaign will start immediately, so make sure you have everything ready to go live when you start to create a new campaign.

How do I edit a campaign?

Go to the reporting screen and click on the campaign name. Make any changes and hit ‘Save campaign’.

NOTE: Saving changes will NOT make your campaign active, to do that you need to change the campaign status on the reporting screen.

How do I pause / restart a campaign?

You can activate or deactivate campaigns on the reporting screen. Simply click on the toggle to turn the campaign on/off.

How do I delete a campaign?

Go to the reporting screen and click on the campaign name, you can find the delete button at the top left of the screen and when you scroll to the bottom of the page (see image below)

NOTE: Deleting a campaign is permanent and will remove it from the results list.

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