What is site maintenance?

In order for the platform to work smoothly, our tech team will periodically need to carry out 'maintenance' on the platform.

What is maintenance?

In this context, maintenance is a term used to describe the process of checking to see whether a website is healthy and performing well. Additionally to this, it is an opportunity to update our security and safety measures. 

How does it affect me?

In order for the maintenance and site updates to occur, HealthUnlocked will not be accessible to members for a short period of time. This will be scheduled ahead of time and communicated to all members prior to the update so that they are as aware as possible beforehand. 

If you are here because we are currently carrying out maintenance, we thank you in advance for your patience. 

As always, If you have any further questions, please do reach out to us for more information: click here to contact us directly.

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