Mental health resources

If you, or a loved one, are going through a difficult time, we want to make sure you are accessing the right support you need. Here are a collection of global resources for mental health support, and support services for young people and under 18's. You should not have to deal with this by yourself, please do reach out to professionals if you feel the need. They will offer you discreet support and advice.

If you feel like you are going to harm yourself, please attend your local Emergency department immediately.

If there are more organisations you would like to see represented below, please get in touch with our Help Desk at and they will add these here.

UK: Support resources & services

Tel: 0300 304 7000


Tel: 0300 123 3393

(Mon-Fri, 9am – 6pm,  except Bank Holidays)


Text: 86463

Men’s Health (sexual health)

UK:  Young people and under 18's 

Tel: 0800 068 41 41

Mon-Fri: 10am-10pm,

Weekends: 2pm-10pm, Bank Holidays: 2pm-5pm)


Text: 07786 209697 

  • The Mix

    Online community and instant chat for ages 16-25 

Ireland:  Support resources & services

  • Samaritans

    Tel: 116 123

    (24 hours) 

  • Shine

    Tel: 1890 621 631

  • Aware

    Tel: 1800 80 48 48

    (10am to 10pm everyday)

  • Grow

    Tel: 1890 474 474 


US:  Support resources & services

US: Young people and under 18's

  • Teenline

    CALL: 310-855-4673

    TEXT: TEEN to 839863

Canada:  Support resources & services


Canada:  Young people and under 18's

Australia:  Support resources & services

Australia:  Young people and under 18's

New Zealand:  Support resources & services

111 - emergency number 


New Zealand:  Young people and under 18'

India:  Support resources & services

112 - emergency number 

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